Video API Privacy Architecture
The Vonage Video API puts you in control with always-on encryption and GDPR compliance. These and other advanced features meet the needs of privacy-sensitive customers in finance, healthcare, education, and other industries.
Protecting User Information
From designing products to building advanced features—we make sure that the security built into our mature platform always protects user information.
We minimise logging of sensitive information through data sanitisation and retention limits
All user authorisation and user details are managed by your application
All video streams are protected in transit and at rest with a standard AES-128 and an optional AES-256 encryption
All end user IP addresses are removed from our logs in seven days or less
All recordings are transferred to customer storage as soon as possible and then deleted from our system
Standard security features
Industry standard WebRTC
We leverage WebRTC, the most robust and widely used real-time video protocol. WebRTC is backed by global open standards organisations for industry consensus and a developer community that responds rapidly to security challenges.Always-on AES-128 encryption
All voice, video, and signalling traffic flowing through the Vonage Video API platform is encrypted in transit and at rest. AES-256 encryption is also available.Client SDKs
Our client SDK experts in iOS, Android, JavaScript, and Linux keep up with browser and platform updates and track down security loopholes (so you don't have to).User IP address deletion
All IPs are guaranteed to be deleted from the Vonage platform within seven days.Account dashboard and insights
Authenticated users can monitor your Video API account and project metrics to help secure the integrity of your applications.Built on AWS
We leverage AWS end-to-end capabilities to maintain the highest level of infrastructure security.Advanced security features
(Enabled as needed for your application)
Regional media isolation
We maintain compliance by restricting media traffic to regional media zones for the U.S., EU, Australia, Canada, Germany and Japan. EXPLORE REGIONAL MEDIA ZONESAdditional recording encryption
All video recordings can be protected with AES-256 encryption in transit and at rest to maintain deeper security. Explore encryptionSession analytics
Conveniently access Advanced Insights analytics to discover and diagnose security exposure. Explore Advanced InsightsEU proxy
As part of the EU and Germany RMZ, all end user IP addresses can be masked to meet strict privacy requirements. Explore EU ProxyAdvanced firewall control
Enterprises can configure firewalls with “allowed IP” ranges or deploy their own servers for proxying through firewalls. EXPLORE ALLOWED IPTwo-Factor Authentication (2FA)
For additional security of your application, you can deploy our Verify API and 2FA solution for your customers. Explore 2FAVonage experts are ready to help
The global Enterprise Services team provides privacy and security expertise from the project start to help guide success.