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Empower your organisation to deliver stellar customer service

Vonage tightly integrates unified communications and contact centre to put everything you need for communication on one flexible cloud platform. When the contact centre and the rest of the organisation are all on the same communications platform, agents can collaborate with experts across your entire organisation to most effectively resolve customer issues.

Stylized illustration of a laptop screen with a social media page featured and speech bubbles (cropped)

Vonage offers seamless integration of contact centre and unified communications

Vonage provides a fully integrated contact centre and unified communications solution, built on the same cloud-based platform, making communications more flexible, intelligent, and personal.

Our integrated experience helps enterprises stay ahead: watch now

contact center agents engaged in calls

One call control ContactPad for back-office users and contact centre agents

Contact centre agents use the same set of call controls and the same directory as all the unified communications users within their organisation. Everyone can base business decisions on the same data while agents interact with colleagues, customers, and prospects in the way that suits them best.

  • Calls conducted from the same ContactPad interface

  • Agents easily communicate across the business

  • One directory across unified communications and contact centre

  • Single source of truth for all employees

Illustration of contact center agent in front of laptop browser with dialing pad app on screen.

The convenience of single sign-on with the consistency of a single interface

Single sign-on (SSO) provides consistent identity and access management across your entire organisation, while the integrated experience provides a single intuitive interface. Agents can quickly login to the contact centre with a click and control their availability.

  • Simple, one-click agent login

  • Robust messaging and video meetings

  • Reduced training time and frustration

  • Instant team collaboration

Illustration of a contact center agent in the center with spokes out to customers

Agents see who’s available to assist with customer service

The Vonage integrated experience enables agents to see every employee within your organisation and whether they are available to help the customer. They can use the skills and expertise of the entire business to support customer interactions.

  • Visibility into true availability

  • Messaging, conference calls, or video meetings available

  • Options to connect via multiple channels

  • Enhanced productivity

A Single Source of Customer Support
Vonage brings unified communications and the contact centre together
"Customer care should be the responsibility of the entire organisation, not just contact centre agents. Giving agents and others in the organisation the tools to communicate and collaborate internally and externally helps them work together to better serve customers." - Blair Pleasant, President & Principal Analyst of COMMfusion
Find out how Vonage brings unified communications and contact centre together. Everything your organisation needs for communication is now on one flexible cloud platform.
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AU free phone number: 1 800 239 458